Comparative study of RYNAN Smart Fertilizers and farmer’s practice on Peanuts (Arachis Hypogae.)

The Arachis Hypogae, commonly as Peanut or Groundnut, is a legume crop grown mainly for its edible seeds.

RYNAN Agriculture - Peanuts case study using RYNAN Smart Fertilizers

Growth Cycle: 80-90 Days
Test Location:
Cau Ngang and Huyen Duc Hamlet, Long Son Commune Province, Vietnam
Vietnam’s Mekong River Delta
Land Use: Intensive Vegetable Farming

This crop is an upright or prostrate annual plant and is generally distributed in the tropical, sub-tropical and warm temperate zones.

The two world's top groundnut producers are currently China and India, accounting for nearly 60 percent of the production and 52 percent of the crop area (Source).

A comparative study was conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Tra Vinh Province & the National Agriculture Extension Centre (NAEC) to ascertain the best peanut farming practices in order to provide optimal yield, improve production values and achieve sustainable growth. RYNAN Smart Fertilizers was chosen as part of this study to compare with regular synthetic fertilizers that are currently available in Vietnam.

RYNAN Agriculture - Case study on Shallot available for download

Read the full RYNAN case study on Peanut cultivation.

Peanut Case Study Available

Other RYNAN Smart Fertilizers Case Studies

RYNAN Agriculture - Using RYNAN Smart Fertilizers for Shallots case study

Case study 1.0 - Shallots

A comparative study was done to evaluate farmer’s practice in a farm located in Vietnam’s Mekong Delta region and RYNAN Smart fertilizers: NPK 16-16-16 on the culture of shallots.

RYNAN Agriculture - Using RYNAN Smart Fertilizers for Choy Sum case study

Case Study 2.0 - Choy Sum

A comparative study was done to evaluate farmer’s practice in the culture of Choy Sum, and RYNAN Smart fertilizers: RYNAN® Vetamate 27-08-08+TE (2% Humic) & RYNAN® Chitosan L100.

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