Comparative study of RYNAN Smart Fertilizers and farmer’s practice on Shallot (Allium Sp.)

Shallots are bulb vegetables from the Alliaceae family and are widely grown in very cold to moderate cold temperate climates at high elevations.

RYNAN Agriculture - Shallot case study using RYNAN Smart Fertilizers

Treatment Start Date: Nov 23rd, 2020
End Date: Jan 27th, 2021
Growth Cycle: 55 - 60 days
Soil Type: Sandy Soil, Good Drainage

Location: Vinh Hai Commune, Vinh Chau District, Soc Trang Province, Vietnam
Region: Vietnam’s MeKong Delta
Land use:
Intensive Land Farming

The Asia-Pacific production of the onion and shallot market has a projected growth of an anticipated CAGR of +2.3% from 2018 to 2030 (Source). With the rising demands for shallots, farmers will need to provide optimized crop nutrition for increased yield and crop quality. 

A comparative study was done to evaluate farmer’s practice in a farm located in Vietnam’s Mekong Delta region and RYNAN Smart fertilizers: NPK 16-16-16.

RYNAN Agriculture - Case study on Shallot available for download

Read the full RYNAN case study on Shallot cultivation.

Shallot Case Study Available

Other RYNAN Smart Fertilizers Case Studies

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Conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Tra Vinh Province & National Agriculture Extension Centre (NAEC) to ascertain best farm practices.

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